X Flight Deck
By The X-Flight Dude

On this page you will find a guide to get started quickly with free scenery, just amazing files for better skycolors, better clouds, better nightlight, and more . As well as we building new lua scripts, that you can easy edit you self. Well we have improved skycolors, nightlight, atmosphere, clouds and much much more!
We know how to build the sim from basic.
Already today your sim will look more realistic.
Everything you find on these web pages are for free!!​

Top Skycolors - Clouds - Texture (14)
Note: Each package below must be used individually, so pls use a backup.

xFlight Deck Scenery - with Enhanced Cloudscapes - Cloud art 3.3
A new amazing new packed from us, where I mix it all together. The way we see it, and as a photographer see its!
Starting with the Night as nautical twilight, than the blue hour, golden hour, moonrise, sunrise, day time, moonset, golden hour, sunset, blue hour and finaly back to night nautical twilight.
​But we couldn't have done it without inspiration from our cooperation partners!


xFlight Deck Scenery - with Cloud Art 3.3
A new amazing new packed from us, where I mix it all together. The way we see it, and as a photographer see its!
Starting with the Night as nautical twilight, than the blue hour, golden hour, moonrise, sunrise, day time, moonset, golden hour, sunset, blue hour and finaly back to night nautical twilight.
​But we couldn't have done it without inspiration from our cooperation partners!


xFlight Deck Scenery - with Cloude Art 3.3 and Reshade presets
A new amazing new packed from us, where I mix it all together. The way we see it, and as a photographer see its!
Starting with the Night as nautical twilight, than the blue hour, golden hour, moonrise, sunrise, day time, moonset, golden hour, sunset, blue hour and finaly back to night nautical twilight.
​But we couldn't have done it without inspiration from our cooperation partners!


Vivid Sky
This package contains sky effects and optional components to improve your X-Plane environment:
Vivid Sky - atmosphere, sky colour, cloud and lighting improvements
Vivid Water (Optional) - more realistic water animations with defined waves
Vivid Tweaks (Optional) - miscellaneous fixes including mesh glitches and better shadows
Fog Scattering Fix (Optional) - fixes the illuminated fog and circle of light at sunrise/sunset


F S E n h a n c e r
Welcome to FSEnhancer, a new-conception graphic overhaul pack that will give never seen graphics on X-Plane 11.
it has a lot of nice features that I'm going to show you.
brand new photoreal sky textures, that now look much more realistic and vibrant
ultra-hd cloud textures based on real photographies taken from open-source databases, and of course with my reflex

Product: F S E n h a n c e r
Version: 05
Price: Free
UpDate (d.m.y): 15.12.2020

Modifications to daytime, nighttime lighting, and .lua script.
X visibility Developed by: ChinNoobonic & SNowblind7;
Switch Airport Lights 1.0 by: Geert Margodt;
-New water;
-Small adjustments to the .lua script;
-New sounds weather.
Designer: Webrichard
Product: Textures EXTREMEREAL
Version: 4.2
Price: Free
UpDate (d.m.y): 15.12.2020


Enhanced Cloudscapes Beta
I have been working on a volumetric cloud replacement for X-Plane 11 since last two-three months, and finally managed to get visually appealing results. The plugin is not a weather engine, and it only replaces default X-Plane 11 clouds with volumetric ones, therefore it should be compatible with weather injection plugins like Active Sky XP. Currently it supports X-Plane 11.50+ and 2 major operating systems - Windows and Linux. It is an open source freeware, and finally in beta phase!​​

Designer: BiologicalNanobot
Product: Enhanced Cloudscapes
Version: 1.1
Price: Free
UpDate (d.m.y): 15.12.2020

Cloud Art
This "replace-on" will replace the textures of clouds and sky colors. It will also tweak the lighting and environment of X-plane to compliment the clouds. FPS has minimal impact on "Fast" versions.
CHOOSE BETWEEN FAST OR STANDARD DOWNLOAD: "Fast" focuses on performance while keeping some visual quality from the standard download. The standard download was used to render the provided screenshots
Designer: SpeedM
Product: Cloud Art
Version: 3.3
Price: Free
UpDate (d.m.y): 15.12.2020