X Flight Deck
By The X-Flight Dude

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f i l e , p l u g i n s , a i r c r a f t o n t h i s p a g e
Videos tips and tricks

Welcome pilots, friends and followers! On this page you will find videos from youtube and from the community, developed by aviation enthusiast.
This videos is protected by copyright laws. It is for personal, non-commercial use only. You are not allowed to redistribute any part of this package without permission.
If you as a developer have any misconceptions about sharing your original file, from our free site. Please contact us asap and we will remove the file. Contact thexplanedude@gmail.com
These are my recommendations vidios:
1. Why choose X-Plane 11
The Beauty of X-plane 11 | PURE AWESOMENESS!!!
Not sure if x-plane is the right sim for you watch this video form Thomas Rasmussen. A compilation of video clips from my flight simulation videoes through the past 3 years to demonstrate the pure awesomeness & beauty of X-plane 11!
The dude behind the development:
Wanna help Thomas Rasmussen create more high-quality content and support me? Become a patron: Link to patreon
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A. Installation | X-Plane 11.41r1 | Settings | Tips
How to install X-Plane 11 version 11.41.r1. It is very important that you do not use beta version for your daily flight simulation, it is not bug free. But I can recommend you to take a look at beta versions to see what the future holds. So remember if you whant a stable version stick to the latest releases.
The dude behind the development: Me Etron
B. Settings part 1 of 2 | Tune in the graphics card!
How to setup you X-Plane settings for first time, and how to tune in the graphics card!
The dude behind the development: Me Etron
C. Settings part 2 of 2 | How to get started with X-Plane 11
In this video we look at some more settings in X-Plane 11.41r1.
The dude behind the development: Me Etron
How to install Dropit software and Agent Folder XP, for use to install free and payware add ons into X-Plane 11! This software is amazing, u only drag and dropit the addons you have found for free on this page. We have release the first beta version of Agent folders XP for X-plane 11, just drag and dropit and the add on is ready for use, no more moving filer or folders, no more stress figuring out where the add ons belongs!
The dude behind the development: Me Etron
D. X-Plane 11 | Agent Folder XP | Installation
E. X-Plane 11 - X Flight Deck Scenery with Enhanced Cloudscapes Part 1 of 2
In this video we look at X Flight Deck Scenery, Enhanced Cloudscapes Beta 24.11.2020, Blu_fx & xOrganizer For easy installation we use our own Agent Folder XP We are go through how to install the packed, and how to tune in the meny of Enhanced Cloudscape, and the blu_fx, we will look into the weather and the different times periodes of the day/night.
The dude behind the development: Me Etron
F. X-Plane 11 - X Flight Deck Scenery with Cloud Art 3.3 Part 2 of 2
In this video we look at X Flight Deck Scenery, Cloud Art 3.3, FlyWithLua, Data Ref Tool, Blu_fx & xOrganizer For easy installation we use our own Agent Folder XP We are go through how to install the packed, and how to sett up X-Plane 11. Than we learn you about lua script, and how to use some part of data ref tool. We will look into the weather, how to change clouds, skycolors and more with lua script. We are also looking at the different times periodes of the day/night. Then ew are taking a short takeoff, up through the clouds and up to FL300, we are using the Boeing 737-800X from Zibo, and the livery for Norwegian air shuttle.
The dude behind the development: Me Etron
2. Get started with Cessna 172 | Learn to fly the Cessna 172
Or upgrade to
Special Features
Version 1.1
Only for X-Plane 11
Fully VR compatible
Full PBR (Superb material shines and reflections)
Updated X-Plane default G1000
1. Link orginal page/download: Go to original page:
A. Flight School #5 - Starting the Cessna 172 SP
Starting the Cessna from cold and dark as well as flying the pattern!
The dude behind the development: Jeff Favignano
▼Contact Info▼
Twitter - http://goo.gl/ZzbEBU
Twitch - jfavignano
Instagram - jfavignano
Snapchat - jfavignano
B. 172 Flight School #2 - Landings and Patterns
The second installment of XP11 flight school! We land the 172 as well as fly a full pattern in Alaska.
The dude behind the development: Jeff Favignano
▼Contact Info▼
Twitter - http://goo.gl/ZzbEBU
Twitch - jfavignano
Instagram - jfavignano
Snapchat - jfavignano
C. Cessna 172 Autopilot
Learn how to use the new S-Tech 55 autopilot included in the Cessna 172 in X-Plane version 11.30.
The dude behind the development: Jason Vriends
Next Generation
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