X Flight Deck
By The X-Flight Dude

We apologize, but we have decided to stop updating this page. We are working on building a new flight simulator, a full-scale Boeing 737-800 with Microsoft, and Prosim
Here you will find a much easier way to get started and build X-Plane
and your own sim, either with free addons or with purchased products,
We will show you how to build a better sim,
in the most simplest way the is!
We know how to build the sim from basic.
Already today your sim will look more realistic.
Everything you find on these web pages are for free!!
xFlightDeck Scenery - our contribution to the community:
Choose your packed to download and read more
Our world trips:
Be my flight buddy on simtoolkitpro:

Click on the images to see more..
Free plugins & utilities recommended for you:
Designer: X-Friese
FlyWithLua NG (Next Generation)
Designer: JARDesign
X-Life Free Edition
Designer: skiselkov
X-RAAS: Runway Awareness
Designer: skiselkov
Designer: SimCoders.com
HeadShake camera
Scenery - Library ++
Designer: Mister X6
Airport Environment HD
Designer: marten@stairport
SAM - Scenery Animation Manager
Designer: Mister X6
MisterX6 Library
Designer: aussi
Designer: Mister X6
KSFO International Airport
Skycolors - Clouds ++
Designer: Etron + more
XFD SCN - Enhanced Cloudscapes
Designer: Etron + more

XFD SCN - Cloud Art 3.3 + 7 Ctrl
Designer: SmC12
Vivid Sky
F S E n h a n c e r 05
Designer: Webrichard
Free Aircraft
Designer: Zibo
Boeing 737-800X
Designer: riviere
Designer: harranssor
Aerobask Robin DR401
Designer: texasranger
Navion 205
Designer: ksgy
Let L-410 - Turbolet
Designer: utd4life
Extended Night Lighting
Designer: BiologicalNanobot
Enhanced Cloudscapes
Designer: riviere
Airbus 330neo
News feed / Latest updates:

Boeing 737-800
This is modified default B737-800 by me. You don't need extra 3rd plugin, only X-Plane 11. This plane is free and it will be always free.
This moded aircraft shows what are the possibilities of this plugin and Xplane 11.

Designer: Zibo + +
Product: Boeing 737-800
Version: 3.51.29
UpDate (d.m.y): 06.02.2022

SimToolkitPro brings your planning into one place. Full integration with SimBrief means advanced control of your flight planning from a simple A to B, to planning specific cruise data, aircraft weights, and passenger counts.
Designer: Daniel Gallacher
Product: SimToolkitPro
Version: 0.8.12
UpDate (d.m.y): 17.01.2022

Navigraph Airac 2201
Whana stay update on you navdata and charts. Subscribe to bring your flight simulator up to date! Unfortunately, you can not live without this, if you take you flying serious! (Remember ChartFox is free, but you need FMS Data)
Designer: Jeppesen Boieng Company
Product: Navdata & Charts
Price: FMS Data 25.90€ Yearly
Price: Ultimate 74.90€ Yearly
UpDate (d.m.y): 30.12.2021

ZHSI Glass cockpit for Boeing
Andre has given permission to put ZHSI back on x-plane dot org.
I intend to start maintaining ZHSI from v2.2.0 initially, just fixing minor bugs, no major changes to start with.
Designer: Pikitanga & Andre Els
Product: Zhsi
Version: 3.3.0
UpDate (d.m.y): 01.01.2022

ApSoft Airplane Toolbox (takeoff performance)
With this software you can:
- Calculate either the Takeoff or Landing Performance, converting units for all available Flightmodels
Designer: CaptainTux
Product: ApSoft Airplane Toolbox
Price: Free
UpDate (d.m.y): 19.12.2021


FlyWithLua NG (Next Generation) Edition for X-Plane 11 (Win, Lin, Mac)
FlyWithLua offers a rapid development system to get in deep into X-Plane. An easy to understand, detailed manual is included.

SimHeaven X-EUROPE (All poacked are updatet)
X-EUROPE is a scenery using XP11 objects (with LR permission) like the standard scenery, but the objects are not set on an autogen rule, they are set like they are in OpenStreetMap (OSM) data, which leads to a more realistic (some people say stunning) look and feel.
Designer: SimHeaven
Product: SimHeaven X-EUROPE
Version: 5.6.2
UpDate (d.m.y): 15.10.2021

LiveTraffic (Based on real air traffic)
LiveTraffic fills your sky with live air traffic based on public tracking data requested from OpenSky Network, Open Glider Network, ADS-B Exchange and/or RealTraffic.
It is compatible with X-Plane 11 (incl. Vulkan/Metal) on Windows, Mac and Linux. It comes as open source freeware with no guarantees.

"Bluebell" OBJ8 CSL packages 1.3.15
This is a package of non-flyable CSL aircraft models for XSquawkBox, xPilot, swift, and X-IvAp. It uses the "next gen" OBJ8 format to support animations and modern rendering techniques.

CPFLIGHT MCP - EFIS Panel 3. part software
Full scale replica of Boeing 737 MODE CONTROL PANEL
14 custom made switches with dual color legends: white backlighted text and neutral indicator with green light status. This, like in the real aircraft, allows high visibility only when in active status.

Designer: Jorg Neves Bliesener
Product: CPFlight plugins
Price: from 29€
UpDate (d.m.y): 01.07.2021

CPFLIGHT PEDESTAL Panel 3. part software
Few components play a bigger role than the MCP. The GoFlight MCP is an affordable solution that doesn’t skimp on quality. Durable sheet metal construction, heavy tactile switches and buttons and the high level of functionality you’ve come to expect from GoFlight.

Designer: Jorg Neves Bliesener
Product: CPFlight plugins
Price: from +60€
UpDate (d.m.y): 01.07.2021

Air Manager V4 for Desktop - Over 820 instrument / panels to choose between
Siminnovations - instrument-panels for Airbus & Boieng and more
It lets you easily control all buttons, switches and dials. This makes for example the startup procedure a lot easier.
Designer: more + marten@stairport
Product: Air Manager + Air Player
Version: 4
UpDate (d.m.y): 04.07.2021

Terrain radar + Vertical Situation Display (for Boeing 737-800 and many more ++)
The plugin adds terrain radar feature (with peaks mode). Now Plugin work in two modes: integration into the navigation display (see the list of supported aircrafts) and overlay window (all other aircrafts)

Xsaitekpanels (lin+win+mac+32/64)
Purpose - One plugin to allow support for multiple Saitek Pro Flight panels in X-Plane using Linux, Windows and the Mac. Thanks to Alan Ott's HIDAPI (https://github.com/signal11/hidapi) I am able to now support Linux, Windows and Mac with my plugin Xsaitekpanels.

X-Panels - Panels for control systems in Boeing 737
Software for control systems in Boeing 737. You can use app on local or networked PC. App is writen for best compability with Zibo 737 but it also works with others 737.
Designer: Piotr Woś
Product: X-Panels
Version: 1.5.2021.612
UpDate (d.m.y): 21.06.2021

X-Plane 11.55 is an incremental bug-fix patch update which also features updated Gateway airports.
Designer: Austin Meyer
Product: X-Plane 11
Version: 11.55.r2
UpDate (d.m.y): 18.06.2021

xVision v2
If you have ever developed your X-Plane visuals, you know that good results can be achieved only by using good textures and FlyWithLua plugins.
xVision offers you a quick and convenient way to control these resources without manually editing/copying files or any other confusing rubbish.

Designer: AHiFi Simulation
Product: xVision
Version: 2.03
Price: About €18.90
UpDate (d.m.y): 01.07.2021
We have today launched the first youtube video for 2021.
We start by reviewing 3 new skycolors and clouds. We are not sponsored and all the products are bought at full price. Our goal is to give you a true and real feedback of the product! First out xEnviro, then Ultra Weather XP and finally Active Sky XP
Designer: Etron (me)
Product: Ultra Weather XP
Version: Part 2 of 3
UpDate (d.m.y): 12.05.2021

MisterX6 Library and static aircraft extension (pack3)
This is a scenery library that adds static aircraft to the game (among other things). It contains no user flyable aircraft.

737 Ground Handling Equipment
Is a FREE visual feature plugin for X-Plane 11 tailored specifically for models of aircraft from the Boeing 737 family. It started as a test plaform for ground support equipment models for the ZiboMod.
Designer: Jiří Brožek
Product: 737 GHD For Zibo
Version: 0.8.1
UpDate (d.m.y): 04.04.2021

Airportcodes.io handy tool to start with
Find airport codes of 5149 airports worldwide like airport IATA codes, airport ICAO codes and FAA codes. Get realtime aviation data, location and travel information with our complete list of airport destinations.

KBOS Boston Logan International
Detailed and accurate scenery for KBOS - Boston Logan International Airport
Animated airport vehicles and ship traffic (using the GroundTraffic plugin)
Animated marhshallers and jetways (AutoGate)
Designer: MisterX6
Product: KBOS Boston Logan
Version: 2.0.1
UpDate (d.m.y): 04.04.2021

XFD SCN with Enhanced Cloudscapes (Packed 1)
Volumetric cloud replacement for X-Plane 11. Skycolors - Clouds - Nightlights for Europe and North America - for v11.50 Vulkan / OpenGL A new amazing new packed from us, where we mix it all together. The way we see it, and as a photographer see its!

Amazing FREE Weather Engine [XPGFS] NOAA Weather
XPGFS brings alive the x-plane atmosphere, combining METAR reports and NOAA Weather data for the whole planet.
Designer: Joan Perez
Product: Real Weather plugin
Version: 2.5.2
UpDate (d.m.y): 31.03.2021

Maybe the best tools to start planning you trip!
Merar-taf.com real weather and more!
An incredibly easy way to find an airport, where do you want to fly next. You also get the icao code that can be copied into the simbrief
Designer: Van den Boom Media Group B.V.
Product: Real Weather
Version: x
UpDate (d.m.y): 31.03.2021

xxFlightDeck Scenery - XFD 6 Control + Auto Fog
6 New script Clouds | Nightlight | Shadows | Skycolors | Wawes | Sun Star Moon Blur | + Auto Fog.
Designed to make it easy to control & tune in the sim. See the bottom of this page, I recommend that you turning on fps control when using the sliders! See my settings.
Designer: Me Etron
Product: XFD 6 Control + Auto Fog
Version: 1.0.4
UpDate (d.m.y): 04.04.2021

3jFPS-wizard11 - keep good FPS and enjoy smooth flying
+ keeps performance stable by auto adapting view distance, cloud quality, anti-aliasing and scenery shadow.
Designer: jörn-jören jörensön
Product: 3jFPS-wizard11
Version: 1.3
UpDate (d.m.y): 02.03.2021

Follow Me Car
FM car automatically appears and lead the plane to the runway without user intervention (when the conditions are met)
We have today launched the new youtube video for 2021.
In this video, we build X-Plane 11 scenery from scratch and how to get seasons with with SAM, SimHeaven, Ortho4XP & xVision.

SAM - Scenery Animation Manager
SAM Suite - Installer & Updater
Desktop application for Windows, Linux and Mac
SAM is a native XP11 plugin offering different possibilities to scenery authors focused
Designer: marten@stairport
Product: SAM
Version: 1.4.3
Price: Most Free - Some Payware
UpDate (d.m.y): 04.02.2021
xAgent Folder - Site Maps - All product on site listed:
YouTube - File Share - Plugins - Utilities - Download - Tips & tricks +++